Monday, July 29, 2013

  1. Cremation urns may be cast in steel, assembled out of driftwood, machined on industrial lathes or hand-made out of salt, yet ultimately all of these urns have a couple common purposes: to hold and to heal. Rather than be cauterized, buried or sequestered in a columbary the vessels are destined for a increase  visible final resting place -- a mantel, perhaps, or a family room bookshelf, maybe  a spot in the garden.
The dead, you see, soon are coming home. Though the majority of Americans are still buried, more are choosing to get cremated. Rates have risen from 23.6% in 1997 to a arranged 39% in 2010, according to the National Funeral Directors Assn., and the figure is expecting to hit 60% around 2025. With this rise in cremation comes the emergence of a field that's related: urn as decorative art.
Funerary urns come in all types and forms these days, from small keepsake matching sets for easy division among relatives to large or small sculpture that can hold the whole family -- three or four people, all together.
"Each piece is like a person," said Maureen Lonesome, who runs the Sonora County gallery Art Honors Life, specializing in funerary vessels. "It's like you're at a party. Some people have lampshades on their heads, some are talking very seriously, some are just posing, beautiful and elegantly. They can be whimsical, stately, charming. Each has character."Thats why having art on the cremation urn shows your character.
The creative growth in what has been a long tradition-bound field can be traced of several factors. Cremation is considered less prohibited by religions than in eras past. The practice also can be less expensive than purchasing a plot and staging a casket burial. Perhaps most essential: Ashes are compact. Modern families who move frequently and disperse themselves geographically often find comfort in bringing Dad or Grandma or any other family member with them rather than making all-too-rare treks to a far away cemetery

Monday, July 22, 2013

Temporary containers are designed to hold the cremated remains temporarily, as the name indicates. These containers are mostly used when the remains are going to be scatters soon, or when the family has not made a final decision on a permanent urn.
 These cremation urns are not recommended for display, but they're meant to be used by the crematories as a temporary measure for housing the cremated remains.
Temporary Container for Cremated Remains
The Reflect Earth urn focuses on memories of the life they lived. The soft, rich silk bag symbolizes both letting go and holding on.
Personal mementos can be placed in the silk bag for the family to keep. A picture frame is provided to personalize the Reflect Earth urn.

When the silk bag is removed, a easy, hand crafted temporary container. The lid is simply removed to facilitate the scattering ritual. Cremated remains are contained in a  fabric bag.
The Reflect Earth cremation urn is an environmentally friendly, durable container made from a renewable resource using a old technique.
Embrace Earth urn
The rich, warm colors and expressive presentation of the Embrace Earth urn celebrate the active spirit of an individual who embraced life.
Participants are encouraged to add personal belongings as expressions to the loved one. The picture frame integrated into the top allows for further personalization.

Journey Earth urn
The natural organic shape and colors of the Journey Earth cremation urn symbolism a connection with and a desire to give back to nature.
The opening and horizontal orientation of the Journey Earth urn aide in the ritual of scattering. The Journey Earth urn can be personalized by attaching messages to the band or by placing memories inside the temporary container.

The seed husks inlaid in the natural fiber band symbolize the shedding of the continuity life. Cremated remains are contained in a natural fabricated bag.
The Journey Earth urn is an environmentally friendly, durable container made from a renewable resource using a old technique.

Unity Earth urn
The simple presentation and floral texture of the Unity Earth urn allow for the contemplation and the quiet expression of a loved ones life.

The Unity Earth urn can be personalized by placing expressions or mementos inside the cremation urn. The top of this container is easily removed for scattering. Cremated remains are contained in a natural fabric bag.

Types of Cremation Urns

Cremation is becoming very popular due to its convenience and lower purchase. As a result, there are lots of cremation urns to choose from. What lots of people don't realize is that they do not have to get an urn when the person dies. A  urn is not required to hold the ashes from a crematory. The crematory can provide the ashes in a plastic bag till you purchase one of your own,  there often placed inside a cardboard box, so that you can take home and add to an urn at a later date. Therefore, we recommend taking the time to do research and purchasing to  find the perfect urn to store the person’s ashes.
Cremation urns can be made from almost any material you would desire. However, urns are typically made from metal, wood, or stone. Wooden urns look natural and rustic, and can easily be engraved with a design or name. Granite and marble urns look elegant but are also cost lots of cash. Metal urns have become one of the most popular types of urns because they are durable and sturdy and are not as much money as stone urns. The following are the most popular types of cremation urns available to buy.

Personalized Urns

Not all cremation urns can be personalized. If you would desire to have the person’s name or any other information engraved on the urn, be sure to find out if the urn can be personalized before buying it. Some urn manufacturers also sell personalized components such as badges, or military medallions, that can be adhered to the urn.

Hobby Urns

A “hobby urn” is design to focus on the passed person’s favorite interest or hobby. For example, the urn could be the logo of the person’s favorite  team. Or, the urn could be shaped like a motorcycle or car if they enjoyed automotive, or a fish if they enjoyed fishing.

Companion Urns

Companion urns are made for two people who loved each other dearly when they were living and want to be permanently placed next to each other. These can be matching urns or a single urn with separate compartments for the ashes of the couple. There are also urns that allow you to put together the ashes even if the couple died years from each other.

Religious Urns

For the devout, a religious urn is the magnificent choice. A religious urn will have the image  or be the shape of, a religious symbol. Often a religious urn is a cross or hands for praying . Other religious urns have hymns or religious scripture engraved on the urn.

Biodegradable Urns

Biodegradable urns can be placed underground and biodegrade allowing your loved one’s ashes to return to earth naturally. They can often be submersed in water if you want to bury the ashes at sea. Biodegradable cremation urns are often made of recycled material and are an ideal choice if you, or the dead person, are an environmentalist.
There are a couple different types of cremation urns and there are also different course used to manufacture all types. This section consist an overview of each one, including advantages or disadvantages.
Fabricated or Wrought
This is a construction approach using bending, welding, or hammering to produce a bronze, copper, or stainless steel cremation urn. It's a cost-effective approach of manufacturing due to the fact that it's not as labor intensive as other approaches.
Another asset to this approach is that these urns are simply personalized due to their finish. The only detriment is that they're available only in a satin finish.
This approach of manufacturing cremation urns is used to make a round shape starting with a sheet material in either stainless steel, bronze, copper, or pewter. The material, while spinning on a lathe, is forced by a collapsible mandrel that's the round shape of the final product.
This is done at high pressures of about 6,000 pounds per square inch (PSI). This is a cost-effective way to make a part from a sheet of metal, and again, these cremation urns are simply personalized because their satin finish.
Assets of spinning: cost, urns are simply personalized.
Detriment of spinning: urns are available only in a finish.
This is the process of reducing bronze to a liquid state and pouring the liquid into a mold. The mold is made by sand that has been compressed at 20,000 PSI.
  • The pattern is a positive image
  • The mold is a  reverse image
  • The final casting or product is positive
The pouring temperature of molten bronze is 2,300 Fahrenheit. This is an extremely labor-intensive process and therefore expensive, however, detailed and intricate designs can be achieved using this approach.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cremation is when someone who dies is burned to the point that all that remains is just ash. Since a high temperature is needed to cremate a body, only certain furnaces are used to cremate a body. Once crematorium has been decided by the family, the cremation becomes fairly straight forward, there is some times a service, the cremation, the showing of the cremation urn, and the scattering of the ashes.
In the States, only certain crematoriums are allowed to run commercially because of both the wants and wishes of the family. Some of the funeral homes have crematoriums, while some cemeteries also provide a cremation proses services. There are some crematoriums, but outside of some cities and areas without crematoriums attached to them, they are far between. The choice of crematorium is very important to some if they wish to watch them be cremated, as they would need to use a place that has a viewing access to the furnace.

Funeral services can take place either before or after a person is cremated, if it is done before, there may be a visitation and then an actual funeral, minus the burial. If it is done after cremation, the urn will be on display for the ceremony. Sometimes, due to the wishes of the family, the urn may be buried, in this case a nice wooden urn would be recommended due to its ability to decompose.
During the actual cremation of the body, the furnace technician is responsible for making sure the entire body is reduced to ashes, in many crematoriums,

 once the body is put in, the door is locked to make sure that the body cannot be seen again until after it is turned to ash. This process can take anywhere between 1 to 4 hours depending on the persons body weight, and allowing the furnace to cool down enough to open to retrieve the ashes.Care must be taken in order to prevent contamination of the ashes with other ashes, or other materials that may be around the furnace.

Once the family is given the cremation urn, they may want to either scatter the ashes of the loved one, or keep the cremation urn in a home or somewhere else. Ashes are usually scattered somewhere that they enjoyed being, or wished they could be. Often times there will be a place in the will that specifically tells where the ashes should be spread. When the ashes are kept in the cremation urn, most of the time a small child will choose to keep it in their home, usually on a shelve for other people to see, next to a picture of the loved one. However, there are times when an cremation urn will be placed inside a cemetery, which makes it easier for the public, or the person’s family, to pay their respects.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

There are many choices when it comes to cremation and cremation urns, and the choices are not limited to just the type of urn you wish to purchase. Placement of the cremation urn is just one of the many choices that you will make. Some people choose to display their urns on a mantle in the house or on a nice table. You may even want to show it off in a nice niche, and you can always purchase a vault somewhere and place it there. Some even choose to have the cremation urn buried in a plot somewhere.

You don't have to buy a cremation urn when you have someone cremated, some choose to spread the remains in a nice remember-able place, and some even choose to scatter the ashes at sea. And there are some who choose to charter a small plain and scatter the remains in the air. When any of these choices are performed there are other options then buying a cremation urn such as a scattering container made of paper or cardboard and are less expensive, they even make containers that float for the ones who want to place them in a lake, river and even the ocean. These containers sink after a few minutes and break down so as to not hurt the environment.

There is also a wide range of keepsakes you can buy along with a cremation urn to hold a small amount of the remains like necklaces. And when there is a large surviving family left behind there are smaller cremation urns so you can split the remains up so everyone can remember their loved one with. So as you can see there are many choices when it comes to cremation, the main reason people are choosing cremation over traditional burial these days is because it is a lot more cheaper then a traditional burial.

If you would like to learn more about cremation and cremation urns be sure and visit infinity's urns @ and read their blog and view some of the many urns as well as their pet urns.
Cremation is becoming the new norm these days and more and more people are shopping online for cremation urns. Not only is it a lot more economical to choose cremation over a traditional burial in a coffin with today's economy, but there are so many options that you have to choose from when it comes to cremation.

Cremation urns are very decorative and can be placed on a mantle or a shelve or even a end table somewhere in your home. The other benefit with an urn is that you can keep your loved one with you and near you at all times, so there is no need to travel to a cemetery to visit them. Also if you move like so many doe these days whether its to up grade your current home, or if its for a new job you can take your loved one with you.

Cremation urns also come in different sizes and some people even choose to be placed in the same urn, that's right some people want to be placed in the same urn as there spouse or life partner so that they can be together. In order to do this you must have a cremation urn that will be big enough to fit both of there cremains, then after one of them passes there cremains are placed in the cremation urn of choice and put up until there partner passes then they are placed together.

If you would like to learn more about cremation urns and the cremation proses be sure and visit infinity's urns and view their blog @