Monday, July 22, 2013

Types of Cremation Urns

Cremation is becoming very popular due to its convenience and lower purchase. As a result, there are lots of cremation urns to choose from. What lots of people don't realize is that they do not have to get an urn when the person dies. A  urn is not required to hold the ashes from a crematory. The crematory can provide the ashes in a plastic bag till you purchase one of your own,  there often placed inside a cardboard box, so that you can take home and add to an urn at a later date. Therefore, we recommend taking the time to do research and purchasing to  find the perfect urn to store the person’s ashes.
Cremation urns can be made from almost any material you would desire. However, urns are typically made from metal, wood, or stone. Wooden urns look natural and rustic, and can easily be engraved with a design or name. Granite and marble urns look elegant but are also cost lots of cash. Metal urns have become one of the most popular types of urns because they are durable and sturdy and are not as much money as stone urns. The following are the most popular types of cremation urns available to buy.

Personalized Urns

Not all cremation urns can be personalized. If you would desire to have the person’s name or any other information engraved on the urn, be sure to find out if the urn can be personalized before buying it. Some urn manufacturers also sell personalized components such as badges, or military medallions, that can be adhered to the urn.

Hobby Urns

A “hobby urn” is design to focus on the passed person’s favorite interest or hobby. For example, the urn could be the logo of the person’s favorite  team. Or, the urn could be shaped like a motorcycle or car if they enjoyed automotive, or a fish if they enjoyed fishing.

Companion Urns

Companion urns are made for two people who loved each other dearly when they were living and want to be permanently placed next to each other. These can be matching urns or a single urn with separate compartments for the ashes of the couple. There are also urns that allow you to put together the ashes even if the couple died years from each other.

Religious Urns

For the devout, a religious urn is the magnificent choice. A religious urn will have the image  or be the shape of, a religious symbol. Often a religious urn is a cross or hands for praying . Other religious urns have hymns or religious scripture engraved on the urn.

Biodegradable Urns

Biodegradable urns can be placed underground and biodegrade allowing your loved one’s ashes to return to earth naturally. They can often be submersed in water if you want to bury the ashes at sea. Biodegradable cremation urns are often made of recycled material and are an ideal choice if you, or the dead person, are an environmentalist.

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