Wednesday, July 10, 2013

We tend to feel guilty if we don’t do everything we can for a family member who has passed on. The truth is that we have, in fact, done every thing we could have for them in life. In death, however, what we do truly is for the survivors’ benefit. When buying a cremation urn, or funeral services, you should keep in mind that the price you pay is relative to the environment in which you make the purchase.

For instance, if you’re at a funeral home making arrangements to transfer your loved one from a hospital or nursing home to the funeral home, to the funeral director it’s almost a unspoken conclusion that you will be purchasing the cremation urn or casket from them, as well as the memorial service, guest book, director services. As such, it is far more likely that you will be spending well above that which you would have had you shopped for a cremation urn over the internet from the convenience of your own home.

 In many cases the cremation urn you purchase from the internet can be shipped the same or next day with expedited delivery. Moreover, the funeral home is mandated by law (the FTC’s “Funeral Rule”) to use the casket or cremation urns that the survivor chooses, whether or not it’s purchased from the funeral home.

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